As the government continues to push through reforms (in the Land Acquisition Act, the Real Estate Regulatory Bill, relaxation of FDI rules, etc.), property continues to remain the best option for NRIs looking to invest in India. But before making the final decision, there are some big questions to be addressed; who is the developer, what are his credentials, details about the property, location, amenities, payment terms, legalities and so on.

Who Is Non-Resident Indian (NRI) and Person of Indian Origin (PIO)?

A foreign citizen (other than a citizen of Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka or Nepal), is deemed to be of the Indian Origin if he held and Indian Passport at any time, or he or his father or parental grand-father was a citizen of India by virtue of the (Constitution of India or the Citizenship Act, 1955(57 of 1955).

Is permission required from RBI to acquire/purchase immovable property in India?
What is the manner and formalities required towards the payments to be done under permission guidelines?
Can such property be sold without permission of Reserve Bank?
Can sale proceeds of such property be remitted out of India?
What is the procedure for seeking repatriation and conditions required towards the sale proceeds?
Can the properties be given on rent if not required for immediate use?